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Pre-Register yourselves here: >> http://bit.ly/fyhseminar<< .

Do you want to Find Your Happy?

Are you stuck in life?

Do you want to be free from fear, unforgiveness, and misery?

Do you just drag yourself to work and don’t feel the fulfillment of what you’re doing?

Are you at the peak of your career or business but deep inside, there’s a space that needs to be filled up, a sadness you cannot explain?

Are you still in search of your life purpose?

Are you hurting because you and your loved ones are not in good terms?

Are you nursing a broken heart because of a failed relationship with someone you thought was your one true love?

I understand how you feel.

Hi, I’m Edwin Soriano. I’m a life coach and I’m the author of the book You Can Be Happy Again.

After A 13-Year Relationship and Being Married for 3 Years,
My Wife Left Me Crumpled and Crushed...

Once upon a time, I had a college sweetheart. Many of our friends considered us an ideal couple. We’ve been together for years until we got married in 2003. It was a beautiful wedding, one that our friends and relatives would talk about for a long time. We lived our lives together and pursued our careers.

She never got pregnant. I realized later on that the reason from preventing us from getting pregnant was the fear of my inability to provide for our family.

One day, after studying my master’s degree, I was invited to join a conference in South Africa. While I was on my 10-day visit there, I received and accepted a job offer from a well-known company. I was so excited to tell my wife about the trip and the new job offer.

But when we saw each other, she was preoccupied and distant. I brushed it aside.

Two days passed. Still nothing. She was irritable and didn’t want to be spoken to. But on the third morning, I bravely asked her before she went off to work, “What’s wrong?”

We sat side by side at the corner of our bed. I was ready to support her in whatever it was that was bothering her. Was it a sickness? Was it about her career? Was it a mistake she made?

But I wasn’t ready for what she revealed.

She told me, she wanted to leave me ...

Intensity 7 earthquake!

I was shaken to the bones. I felt my heart get crushed as if “The Hulk” had lodged his bare hand into my chest and crushed my heart.

I felt dizzy, my head started to ache, my knees felt wobbly.

I couldn’t even stand up and walk her to the door.

She stood up from the bed and walked away. And there I was, left in our rented apartment. It felt darker, colder, smaller as if happiness and life had been removed from our home all of a sudden.

After 2 years of being married and having known each other as a couple for 12 years, she wanted to leave me.

What? Where was this coming from? I was totally confused! Unfortunately, she didn’t help me understand.

After a few more months, she left home ...

I continued to pursue her and made one last attempt to win her back. A few weeks after she flew to a foreign land, I followed her across the world just to prove to her that I will do anything for her.

With a bouquet of flowers in my hand, peace-offering gifts (an iPod to keep her company and a camel-colored trench coat to keep her warm), and a love letter, I trooped to where she was staying.

I stepped up in front of their door of stained glass, I took a deep breath ...

And I rang the doorbell once ... no answer.

A second time ... no answer.

Was there anybody home, even? I didn’t know. My hands were shaking, my cheeks burning in the cold wind.

A third time ... and then I saw some movement inside the house through the stained glass door. I saw the silhouette of woman skip poignantly towards the door.

My heart was pounding so fast. I was so happy, so ready to see the love of my life, and was looking forward to seeing her.

But no. The silhouette stopped in her tracks a few feet from the door. And then she retreated back into the safe confines of her home, far away from the stranger that was standing outside her door - I, the husband.

I wanted to make a scene. I wanted to profess my love for her. No, I wanted to shout on the top of my lungs and demand that she come out and face me! I wanted to make sure she felt the hurt that I was feeling. How she had ruined my life even as I had done so much to earn her back.

Instead, I lay down my gifts at her doorstep, lay down my love letter and the bouquet of flowers so fragrant.

Slowly, I stepped back, resigned. With deference for the love that was and enough self-respect for the love I needed, I walked away from her castle. Leaving behind the love I thought would last a lifetime.

As I walked away from her, and out into the cold afternoon, I reached out for my heart to check if it was still there. I stopped myself from looking back. No turning back. No turning back.

That night, I drank the night away until I was wasted. I could die that night if I wanted.

But God had better plans.

My Road to Healing
“A wounded man lay lonely, trying to heal himself. He was lonely still.”

In 2007, I started picking myself up. I attended seminars. I was introduced to a prayer meeting. I knew I just needed to work on myself. I took to writing, journaling, reflecting and reading.

I also learned to forgive myself. And that was the start of my healing. I began to forgive myself for my own wrongdoings and lapses.

I started to forgive my wife too, for whatever real reasons she had for leaving me. I started to let go of the need to understand, to forgive even when I didn’t understand.

When I share my story to some of my friends, I remember telling them that I had a forgiveness that felt superhuman. I would describe it with a feeling of being astounded, almost in disbelief.

It was unbelievable for me to forgive this much.

Can You Really Find Your Happy?

As time went by, I realized that my forgiveness was 99%. And there was something, one thing I haven’t yet accepted or understood. I felt there was something lacking.

There was a 1% I hadn’t uncovered yet.

I was not okay and I didn’t like it. I was dissatisfied. I was looking for something more. And I was getting tired of that discontent.

Then in one of the seminars I attended, I was reassured that it is okay to not be okay.

Here’s the mysterious thing. Because I accepted that it’s okay that I’m not okay, I became more okay! Funny, right?

I started accepting myself as I am, where I am. I accepted that 99% of forgiveness is okay. And that the search of 1% of me not being okay, I released it. That 1% will find me when the time is right.

And it did.

One day while I was attending The Feast, a Catholic prayer meeting led by Bro. Bo Sanchez, he said a word that struck me. I didn’t understand the word. I didn’t know what it meant. I even had to ask my mother about it. The word was: “Grace”

I began seeking more about this thing called Grace. I prayed and on it.

After a few more prayer meetings, I finally had the transformation.

Then it hit me ...

That 99% forgiveness didn’t come from me. It came from the Lord and all I needed to do is to give, let go of that 1% and leave it all to Him.

When I realized that, I was blown away!

And do you know what I discovered?

I discovered that forgiveness, healing, and true happiness can be achieved.

It’s inside of us.

And I didn’t do it alone. I sought help. I asked for guidance. I joined a coaching program. I knew that I wanted to forgive completely and be at peace. And my coach was there to help me along the way.

How about you? Do you want to achieve true happiness?

I can’t totally discuss every detail here, but let me give you an important clue: You can be truly happy. It’s your choice.

Let me repeat that – you Can Find Your Happy!

Today, I invite you to experience the same transformation that I experienced many years ago. Become truly happy – NOW.

Yes, You Can Find Your Happy!

No material things or achievements can make you truly happy. Happiness is a choice and it can be found inside of you.

If you focus on the hurts, think of the negative things in your life and find it hard to move on, you cannot find it on your own.

You deserve to be happy. Let me help you.

Through the years, we’ve learned specific techniques to help people create breakthroughs in their life.

We use Neuro Linguistic Programming as one of our coaching tools. We are Certified NLP practitioners having hundreds of hours of coaching under our belt. We’ve helped people from all walks of life, from all ages.

Time and again, we’ve seen how coaching brings out the best in people, allows them to forgive, let go, be open, discover new ways of thinking and feeling. The result is always a positive step towards the right direction. People come out more confident, more courageous, more forgiving, with a better understanding of the heart and the mind.

This is Life Coaching as we know it. We’ve done this for individual coaching clients. And now we’re doing it for bigger groups.

And we want YOU to experience it too!

Yes, you can Find Your Happy!

Join Edwin Soriano’s
Find Your Happy
LIVE Seminar

Saturday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
March 23, 2019
Asian Institute of Management Conference Center, Makati
Limited seats only. Get your tickets now, click below.

Yes, I Want To Find My Happy!

Awesome Things Will Happen To You ...

When you attend this whole day seminar:

How Much Does The Seminar Cost?

We started out coaching clients 1-on-1 and we’ve seen phenomenal breakthroughs.

Each individual session costs P8,000!

Now we’ve developed techniques to deliver the coaching in a big group. You’ll be amazed at how we can coach more than a hundred people at the same time.

At the seminar, YOU get to experience FOUR powerful life coaching sessions.

That’s a value of P32,000 of Life Coaching.

Because we want to serve as many people as we can, we’re offering it to you at a discounted rate of Php PHP 6,975 ONLY. By getting in ASAP, you could get further discounts with EARLY BIRD rates.

This is an awesome deal when you think of the incredible transformation you’ll receive in this event. We can offer this Price only for the first 15 slots, so make sure you join now, click the link below.

Yes, I Want To Find My Happy!
Coach Edwin Soriano

Coach Edwin Soriano is the founder of Winning Coaching which helps clients create a better version of themselves through NLP Life Coaching.

He is the author of the “You Can Be Happy Again,” where he shares his own life struggles and how he overcame it. He explains how loving yourself today spells the difference between getting stuck in the past or

moving forward to your destiny.

When he experienced coaching for the first time in 2007, he discovered his life purpose:

“Help More, Thus Be More.”

By being an author, speaker, and life coach, he found genuine fulfillment in helping people step forward and discover the better version of themselves.

He currently lives in Taguig, Philippines with his one true love, his wife Rezza Custodio-Soriano.

Coach Rezza Custodio-Soriano

Coach Rezza Custodio-Soriano or "Ate Rezza" to the thousands of people she has guided through her years of counselling and coaching, is also a long-time marketing executive with over 19 years experience in her field...

As a trainer, she received her certification under T. Harv Eker (author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) under his intensive Train the Trainer program in Singapore, and she is certified NLP Practitioner under the Asia-Pacific Council of NeuroLinguistic Programming.

In her line of work, she has coached with several individuals and has worked with corporate clients such as BPI, Toyota, Yuchengco Group, Nestle, Jollibee Foods Corp, PAGCOR, ABS-CBN, Fonterra, Ayala Land, PLDT, GSK, among others.

Rezza loves experimenting in the kitchen and is a lacto-ovo-pescetarian. As part of her church service, she heads the Media and Communications Ministry of the Feast Bay Area of Bro. Bo Sanchez.

Here’s What Others Say About the Seminar

Fritzie dela Cruz

“It was amazingly beautiful and fun. . . most of my experiences made sense to me now. I understand myself more. My beliefs that were not serving me for the longest time were replaced with purposeful and positive ones. I received healing and miracles. I can change my life if I'm ready and willing. I am truly grateful for this experience of self-discovery and healing. I am open to God's best and highest form of love, compassion, and forgiveness! :) ”

Denise Cordero
Registered Nurse

“The best experience ever. If you need guidance, feel confused, have so much anger, don’t know what and where to go, feel you hate yourself, or even if you just need affirmation or someone to talk to without feeling or thinking of being judged try out life coaching. Change is possible, peace of mind and love for oneself is possible, finding answers may be a process and you will never feel alone. You'll be reaffirmed of God's unconditional love and that you are indeed His most amazing creation.”

Sonny Boy Espique
Business Owner, 41

“Before the seminar, I was so negative and pessimistic. I realized that the decision to change is up to me, nobody else. It’s a life changing seminar that will help you get back on track in knowing who you really are, your dream and your goals.”

Do you want to be truly happy? Do you want to move forward?

I’m very excited to see your transformation at the Find Your Happy Seminar! This is your chance to finally receive your healing and gain that true happiness you deserve and you’ve been wanting for the longest time.

This will be awesome! It will free you from your past hurts and truly have that transformation that you needed in your life!

Yes, you can Find Your Happy!

Yes, I Want To Find My Happy!

At the seminar, you'll have the chance to get our book,
You Can Be Happy Again!

In this book you will:

Here are what other people say about the book:

Bo SanchezBestselling Author

“The moment I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. This amazing book will heal you.”

Raju MandhyanAuthor, Coach and Learning Facilitator

“I love it. I love the multitude of short heart-warming stories. The book is humane, humble with an ever so slight, but awesome, touch of the holy in all of us.”

Larry GamboaAuthor, Think Rich Pinoy!

“I am astonished at how aligned Edwin’s book is with the messages of Bro. Bo. Indeed, great minds think alike.“

Carelle MangaliagChief Goddess, Trainstation Inc.

“Reading this book, I see Edwin as an individual who has grown into someone who is doing good. Period. Sharing good. Period. Sharing happiness. Period. May you continue to be hungry. Hungry to know more. Hungry to do more. Hungry to be more.“

JC LibiranChief Author, Byahe ni JUAN, Founder of Project CourageZone

“I’m sooo happy and hungry for this book. You have in your hands a life manual towards your happiness and a guide to become the best person you can be. Be Happy Hungry, EveryJUAN!”

Yes, I Want To Find My Happy!

Here’s our
“I’m Very Satisfied”
Or Your Money-Back
Total Guarantee!

We want to take all the risk.

We don’t want you to pay a single centavo if you won’t be totally satisfied. For any reason whatsoever, IF you didn’t like the Find Your Happy Seminar, then just tell us — and we will return all your money, no questions asked, no hard feelings.

Why are we giving you this Guarantee? Because we believe you’ll be super blessed by the seminar, and your loved ones will totally benefit from you joining the Find Your Happy Seminar!

To reserve your seat at the Find Your Happy Seminar, click the link below...

Yes, I Want To Find My Happy!

If you have *already* purchased tickets,
Pre-Register yourselves here: >> http://bit.ly/fyhseminar<< .

Got more questions? Email us at admin@winningcoaching.net