
Relieve Stress

We had a client who came to use because she couldn’t sleep for 3 nights. She’s been hearing voices, she felt as if people were talking about her. She claimed her office mates were plotting against her. She was so stressed with the concerns and secrets in her life that she was getting sick.

Right after her first coaching session, she felt instant relief. She could feel her hands again, she could feel the ground beneath her feet, she started to see the flowers around her (the flowers were there already even before our coaching). She had slept well for the first time that night. A few weekends after coaching, she had reconciled with her family, forgiven people who have wronged her, and was more honest about her real situation.

Another client was reported by her officemates as “needing professional help”. When we met her, she was full of hate. Her boyfriend described her as “the most hateful person I know.”

After a series of Life Coaching sessions, she had learned to appreciate her life, her work, the people around her. If you meet her today, you wouldn’t think she was described as a “most hateful person”. She has bloomed, recognized the good in the world, and is now enjoying her work a whole lot more.

Through NLP Life Coaching, we are able to relieve Stress.

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